Thank You Page Strategy
Thank You Page Strategy

Firstly, let’s set up the essence of a “thank you page” (a type of landing page, as well). This is the location where your visitors find themselves immediately after reacting to the CTA demand of your lead generation strategy (whatever it is to sign up, to download, or to buy something). 

We should discriminate the types of pages a visitor can come across. They are significant, and, you should learn to manage them properly in order to increase your sale. Consequently, you can discover additional materials in our blog posts Sales Page Conversion Rate can Boost Using These Top 10 Tips and Landing Page Review and 12 Zen Tips for the Best Landing Page Design.

Its purpose should not be just to thank, or to confirm the visitors’ action, but also should serve as an incentive for future conversion. In order to improve the lead generation process, we have to establish the key elements to be added to the thank you page for increasing sales.

A priori, a typical thank you page should contain:

The Confirmation

The proof of an action done by the user in various ways is essential (e.g. thanks, congrats, etc). It serves as a clue that the user’s direction is appreciated.

Instructions to Be Followed

Clear indications on your behalf ensure a high level of conversion. In such a way, you do not lose your customer.

A clear CTA button 

It seems that lead generation marketing finds this structure to be just a standard template that is responsible only for confirmation and thanking, not also for bringing you fresh income and customers. “What should I add more to that page?” you would ask.

Find Here 6 Hints or Your Thank You Page Helping You to Generate Leads

1. “Share” Options

This is an opportunity to inform directly and personally other users about your products or services. Actually, this performs well when investing in a new number of customers. So, that’s no way to buy leads.

2. “You may also enjoy…” Section

Alternatives in the Thank You Page
Alternatives in the Thank You Page

By showing the other things related to those your customer already has bought, you succeed to boost the time your visitors spend in your e-shop, and you manage to make up their minds when it comes to a consecutive purchase.

3. “Follow us on…” Invitation

Follow Us CTA
Follow Us CTA

There you can implement a trick. Instead of conveying “Follow us on …” you would better add “Follow us on …to be in trend with our new promotion and offers”. You see, the messages differ. 

4. Freebies

Bringing in friends in exchange for some freebies (e.g. coupons, free samples) attracts people. This is a convenient strategy for engaging a new audience and increasing customers’ enjoyment. This is why many companies experience it.

5. Testimonials

Social proof helps to ensure visitors’ full satisfaction with the right decision they’ve made. Thus, when you include positive testimonials on your thank you page, you avoid that stupid feeling a client may bear. Comments turn out to be another form of testimonials. Let people speak and share their ideas on your thank you page! Make it interactive and alive!

6. Show off the Value

It is significant to point out the value of your products or services. For instance, if it is an e-course, try to provide its benefits and answers to some predictable questions.

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