Abandonment Cart Email
Abandonment Cart Email

What do your customers need in order to convert? HELP them to DECIDE to BUY your products and to FORGET about their abandoned carts. Here you’ll find the customer-oriented approach tips for reducing the cart abandonment rate.
Soooo…Guys, we are here to crush to death that issue.  

Why? Because statistics denote that about 70% of the customers’ shopping baskets are abandoned before even coming to the checkout. Can you imagine? It is about 2/3 of your products that are left back on the store shelves. 

Why do People Abandon their Shopping Cart? 

Look it up how SaleCycle succeeds to calculate cart abandonment rate. They find the reasons why people are likely to hesitate. Consequently, you can fix those issues and take advantage of these facts by using email campaigns. The reason why we need to storm a Brilliant Email Campaign is to receive back our potential revenue.

Cart Abandonment Rate
Cart Abandonment Rate

Follow 8 Tips for Abandoned Cart Emails Optimization

1. Keep in Mind the Email Structure

Email Marketing Abandoned Cart
Email Marketing Abandoned Cart

There is a framework dedicated to crafting awesome email campaigns. In such a way, you will get rid of abandoned carts. Obviously, do not forget to fill in the email content with action words, sentiment impact and, power words.

  • the subject
  • the “reluctant products”
  • the appealing CTA

2. Improve Everything

Improve Everything in Abandoned Cart Email
Improve Everything in Abandoned Cart Email

Test (e.g. A/B testing) everything that can be tested in your email. You can perform a survey with your colleagues in order to see which variant is more appealing.

3. Decide the Best Time to Offer Discounts or Freebies

Our piece of advice is not to hurry up when offering discounts or free shipping. The best thing is to send the discount proposals after the first email trial.

4. Timeline

The e-commerce marketers express that sending the number of 2-4 emails is the best. For instance, Marketo exposes some curious facts:

  • the initial cart email sent 1 hour after the abandonment can evoke some technical issues to be solved in order to get a successful purchase;
  • send the email for the second time after 24 hours in order to induce the risk of the items out of stock;
  • in the third email (sent after 48 hours) you can include some rewards or discounts).

5. Make It Urgent

Limited time offers are welcome. When you inform your potential customers that probably very soon, you will be out of those products, you create a sense of urgency. This thing helps you persuade the reluctant customer, in a way. Thus, they grasp the message related to the need to purchase the product as soon as possible.

6. CTAs


When you are going to insert the short message or call to your CTA button, keep in mind that you deal with people. Thus, find the appealing CTA messages, e.g. Finalize My Order Now, Complete Your Order & Save, etc.

7. Do not Stop at a Single Email Sent

Taking into account that the phenomenon of cart abandonment is viewed mostly on the smartphones (85.6% average percentage), we have to take into account that the buyers may lose connection because the batteries often go dead or there may be other everyday reason. So, periodically, remind them about what was left in their carts.

Catch Up an Example of the Optimized Email!

Email Marketing Optimization Example
Email Marketing Optimization Example

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