Time Zone Calculator

FAQ for Time Zone Calculator

The time zone you are located in may cause issues when you work in a multinational company, remotely, or even if you are a freelancer. In the case the company policy demands using time tracking software, you should know how to set your time correctly.

In today’s blog post, we have gathered a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) on time zones. Of course, you could think that you may use a time zone converter. However, you should know what all the abbreviations and terms mean.

1. What is a time zone?

A time zone is characterized by having a standard time in a specific region or country. There are cases when countries may have only a time zone, and others may have more than just one. Time zones are indicated with the name UTC+X or UTC-X (X indicates the number of hours).

2. Why are there so many time zones in the world?

Depending on the time zone system of the country, the time varies all over the world. This means that in a specific location, there may be morning and in other - night or midday. It seems that there are more than 24 time zones on the Earth.

3. What is GMT?

GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. GMT is the time zone used in some countries in Europe and Africa, obtaining the name from the city of Greenwich. It is the symbol of starting point, going through Meridian 0.

4. Can a country have more than a single time zone?

Yes, it is a normal situation. For instance, even if France is not the biggest country, it has 12 distinct time zones. One of the reasons would be that France possesses several territories.

5. What is DST?

DST stands for Daylight Saving Time. This is the period of the year when we add one hour more (when the day becomes longer). It was observed that in summer and spring, the position of the Sun facilitates the lengthening of the day, and in winter, the day gets shortened. DST was set to suit people’s needs.

6. What are half-hour time zones?

Some time zones differ even by half hours. Some examples are India Standard Time - UTC+3:30, Newfoundland Standard Time - UTC - 3:30.

7. What is the difference between a time standard and a time zone?

A time standard is considered to be a way to measure time. A time zone is the established standard time in a specific geographic region. It takes into account the local time and the daylight saving time system.

8. What is UTC?

UTC is used to designate Coordinated Universal Time. It is acknowledged worldwide, and it is calculated using accurate atomic clocks and Earth’s rotation. UTC is a standard, not a time zone. GMT and UTC meant the same till 1972.

9. What is BST?

BST is the abbreviation for British Summer Time. It is also called British Daylight Summer Time, being a DST time zone. It is one UTC+1 (one hour more).

10. What is the difference between UTC, GMT, and BST?

These 3 are very confusing, but they are not the same. UTC is a standard time that is taken into account in many apps and daily activities, which varies by certain geographical territories. GMT was also a standard time in the past. BST is a variation of Daylight Saving Time. People add an hour to UTC in March, and in October, they put it back.

11. What is the eastern time zone?

Eastern Time Zone (EST) is 5 hours ahead of UTC. It is considered the standard time in the North and Central America. However, it is not the local time because many countries follow the DST (in summer), experiencing EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

12. What do am and pm mean?

AM or ante meridiem, and PM or post meridiem are from Latin, meaning before and after noon. AM indicates the 12 hours from 00:00 till 12:00, and PM indicates the time from 12:00 to 00:00.

13. Is time zone the same as local time?

The time zone is not the same as the local time. The DST may influence the local time in certain countries (if they follow it).