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Free HTML Analog Clock Embed Widget for Website

In less than 5 minutes, you can add a free analog clock widget for websites or blogs that will display your local time

Why do you need clock widget?

1. It helps your clients know your working hours and availability when you have customers in different regions and time zones.

2. Your prospects know exactly when they can get in touch with you.

3. When you manage a remote team, adding the HTML clock widget code helps you keep track of everything. So, they know when it is the time to meet online, communicate, or solve issues.

Why is this free analog clock widget your first choice?

1. Our clock embed widget is very fast, having an exceptional loading time.

2. It is completely free, without any hidden fees.

3. There is an unlimited number of time widgets you can set.

4. Being mobile-friendly, your website or blog can display the LogWork clock HTML widget even on the mobile version for iOS or Android.

Why choose us?

1. You will not be disturbed by any ads when using our clock embed code. Enjoy it!

2. It is very fast and intuitive. So, you will not waste any precious second of your time waiting for it.

3. You can choose one of more than 70 styles of your analog clock widget and customize it. You can also add any text to it.

4. You can take advantage of our free tools - countdown timer, blog templates, and blog posts because we want you to deliver quality and a good feeling.

5. There are unlimited views for our free tools.

6. Our clock widget can be embedded on any website. Thus, you donโ€™t have to worry about their compatibility because we take into account any detail.

7. We guarantee 100% uptime. Donโ€™t worry about the tools availability since their single goal is to work for you at any time!

Frequently asked questions

1. Is it possible to add several clocks widgets on websites?

Yes, you can add an unlimited number of time widgets to your website. You can also place multiple clocks on a single page.

2. Is it possible to change the clock HTML code?

We do not allow the changes to be made to the clock code since it may not work properly, and it may impact the proper functioning of your website.

3. Does the clock widget follow the daylight saving time?

Of course, it does. The clock is designed to follow all the time zones and the Daylight Saving Time (DST).

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